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                 Ar fi o jignire sa definim muzica prin "simplu mod de divertisment". E prea seaca, prea necuprinzatoare aceasta definitie. Muzica e de fapt un minunat mijloc de intelegere si impartasire a fabuloasei lumi a sentimentelor, oferindu-ne cu generozitate o scara spre cer cu un numar infinit de trepte, avand capacitatea miraculoasa de a inalta personalitatile pe treapta rafinamentului spiritual.

        Muzica este libertate si, de ce nu, diversitate. Deseori se intampla ca o privire aruncata in colectia de muzica a cuiva sa ne spuna mai mult decat o ora de dialog. Iar afinitatile bazate pe gusturi muzicale dau nastere unora dintre cele mai trainice prietenii.

        Asa a fost si in cazul nostru, a celor ce formam Grupul Coral "Sfantul Apostol Andrei". Mai multe puteti afla in rubrica alaturata, "Scurt istoric".

Welcome on our web-page!
          It would be an offence to define music as "simple entertainment way". This definition is too unexpressive . Music means in fact a wonderful way to understand and share the world of feelings, wich offer us generously a step to sky with an infinite number of steps, with a miracleous capacity to uplift the personalities on the spiritual step of refinement.

        Music means freedom and why not, diversity. Often it happends that a simple sight in someones music collection to tell us more than one hour of dialogue. And the affinities based on musical like-minded are giving us one of the most lastings friendships.

        It was the same in our case, the members of "Saint Apostle Andrew" Choral Group. You can find more about us by a simple click in the left menu on "Our History".