I was talking about the lasting friendships based on musical
like-minded; in our case, everything started a few years ago, when we were schoolmates at the Orthodox Theological Seminary
in Cluj-Napoca. At that time, some of us know each other as choir mates, under the baton of Pr. Prof. Dr. Petru Stanciu,
wich is also vicar of "Saint Apostle Andrew" Parish in Cluj-Napoca.
Time passed, some of us become students and,
at the young's Decebal Gorea initiative, in autumn of 2001 it comes into being the "Renaissance" Choral Group, composed by
ten students in orthodox theology. By time, the group's componence changed, some of the members chooseing to study
in other countries, so after a while, the group had only four members, one for each voice.
In autumn of 2002, trying to develop
the diversity of the lectern singing in his parish, Father Petru Stanciu hired the group as parish clerks
at "Saint Apostle Andrew" Parish in "Andrei Muresanu" quarter in Cluj-Napoca.
Ulterior, the group's componence
changed and other four members were accepted. They are graduates or pupils of the Orthodox Theologic Seminary from Cluj-Napoca.
Every Sunday the group sings the Holly Mass
songs harmonised for four equal man's voices at the foregoing parish; it was created a strong relation between
the parish comunity and our choral group. That's why we decided to choose Saint Apostle Andrew as our spiritual patron
and to rename our group with the name of the first invited to apostolate, "Saint Apostle Andrew".
Under this name, we activate since december
Vorbeam mai sus despre prieteniile trainice
infiripate prin intermediul gusturilor muzicale comune; in cazul nostru, totul a inceput cu "multi" (zicem noi) ani in urma,
pe bancile Seminarului Teologic Ortodox din Cluj-Napoca. Pe atunci, o parte dintre noi ne-am cunoscut mai bine ca si colegi
de cor, sub indrumarea Parintelui Profesor Petru Stanciu, actual Doctor in muzica si Preot paroh al Parohiei "Sfantul Apostol
Andrei " din Cluj-Napoca.
Timpul a trecut, cei mai mari
dintre noi au devenit studenti si, la initiativa tanarului Decebal Gorea, in anul 2001 a luat fiinta Grupul Vocal "Renasterea",
format din 10 tineri studenti teologi. Cu timpul, componenta grupului s-a mai schimbat, unii membri plecand la studii in strainatate,
ajungandu-se astfel la un "prag minim" de patru persoane, una la fiecare voce.
In toamna anului 2002, incercand
sa sporeasca diversitatea cantarii la strana in biserica, Pr. Prof. Drd. Petru Stanciu i-a angajat pe cei patru membri ai
grupului ca si cantareti bisericesti la Parohia "Sfantul Apostol Andrei" din cartierul Andrei Muresanu din Cluj-Napoca, unde
este si in prezent preot paroh.
Ulterior, grupul coral s-a
mai intarit cu inca patru membri, absolventi sau elevi ai Seminarului Teologic Ortodox din Cluj-Napoca.
Duminical, grupul participa
activ cantand cantarile Sfintei Liturghii armonizate la patru voci egale barbatesti, la parohia mai sus mentionata,
creandu-se o stransa legatura intre comunitatea parohiala si grupul nostru. De aceea, am decis sa adoptam ca patron spiritual
al nostru pe Sfantul Apostol Andrei, si sa dam grupului numele celui intai chemat dintre Apostoli.
Sub acest nume activam
din luna decembrie a anului 2004.