In ceea ce priveste
repertoriul, acesta este unul diversificat, cuprinzand piese din spiritualitatea ortodoxa romaneasca, alaturi de unele prelucrari
din repertoriul clasic sau bisericesc rus sau grec. De asemenea, cu diferite ocazii interpretam si prelucrari corale
armonizate din folclorul romanesc si strain.
Textele pieselor interpretate
sunt, majoritatea in limba romana, dar avem si piese in limba latina, greaca, germana, rusa si maghiara.
Prin aceasta
varietate cautam sa respectam traditia, religia, limba si cultura celorlalte tari, punand si noi alaturi de ei o pietricica
din diversitatea fiecaruia spre largirea orizontului religios si cultural al viitoarelor "State Unite ale Europei".
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Regarding to our repertory, it is a difersified
one, includeing songs from our romanian orthodox spirituality and also some harmonised songs from russian
or greek clasic or sacred repertory.
Also, in different occasions we play armonised
songs from our romanian or foreign folklore.
The texts of our songs are, most of them
in romanian language, but we have also songs in latin, greek, german, russian and hungarian language.
Through this variety we try to respect the
tradition, the religion, the language and the culture of these foreign countries, puting a foundation stone from each's diversity
to enlarge the religious and cultural horizon of prospective "United States of Europe".